Sunday, September 8, 2013

Find A Way

     Like so many of us, I was really captivated, mesmerized, and flat out astounded by the outrageous accomplishment of Diana Nyad earlier this week to swim the 110 miles from Cuba to Florida.  The tremendous and herculean physical effort and mental concentration is more than I can even comprehend.  I’m reminded of a quote from an article written by Richard Alleyne, Science Correspondent for the Telegraph in 2009, “There is a fine line between genius and madness because they share the same genes, scientists have found.”  

     Diana may have crossed this line to some extent, however her determination to achieve this goal (for whatever her reasons) is what so fascinates, intrigues, but most of all inspires me.   

     For better or for worse, we live in a world today where ‘instant gratification’ is the norm – we wait for nothing.  We buy things we can’t afford with borrowed money; e-mail and social networks have created an expectation of immediate response by both sender and receiver; smartphones are increasingly replacing human interaction; and worst of all is that this creates a false and highly inaccurate sense of expectation for success. 

     It would be easy to blame our youth for all this, but the truth is, my generation created this, and has simply passed it down to our children.  

     For Diana, this swim was a long-awaited triumph and was her fifth attempt since 1978, and her fourth since turning 60.  Through it all, Diana held her mantra close: "You don't like it. It's not doing well. Find a way."

Find a Way

     For me, as a professional sales person, one of the biggest goals I had was being Rep of the Year.  What makes this such a special award is that the winner is chosen by their peers.

     It took me 11 years to finally achieve it, and the irony is after about 4 years I stopped trying.  What I didn’t stop was trying to be the best damn sales person I could be.  Many times I was overcome with mind numbing detail work; soul killing loneliness from the nonstop travel; and there were always the steep and seemingly unachievable sales targets.   

Find a way. 

     I have never been one that feels the need to have to ‘prove’ something by undertaking some incredibly difficult and punishing physical endurance challenge.  However, having said this, I am one that regularly chooses activities that can and often are physically challenging and punishing.  

     The difference is probably somewhere in the goal(s) of why we do what we do.  Many of us simply cannot achieve extreme physical challenges because of limitations of our bodies.  For me, the arthritis in my knees and herniated disc in my lower back insures that I’ll never be able to run a marathon, but I have come up with other activities that still give me the cardiovascular and muscular workout that I want.  

Find a way

     To my beautiful and talented daughters, both of whom are on very different paths with significant and seemingly overwhelming challenges in front of you: 

Find a Way  

     To my wonderful and loving wife Cristin, also on her own uncharted and challenging journey, let Diana’s words ring loud and clear:

Find a way

     Finally for anyone reading this, set your goals, seek your fortune, pursue your happiness, and when shit happens,

Find A Way

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